Monday, November 9, 2009

West Fraser increase pulp price

According to industry sources, West Fraser will increase USD30 pmt for NBSK, northern bleached softwood kraft, starting from 1st November.  With this increment NBSK now sells at USD 830 for  North America and Europe while a lower price goes for China and other parts of Asia.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

IP makes more from Uncle Sam than on paper

International Paper received USD $525 million for black-liquor credits as compared to $233 pre-tax earnings for the 3rd qtr. One of the biggest in the paper industry IP has already been credited more than $1.5 billion and soon will surpass $2 billion by the end of this year when the program expires.

This Us legislature is intended to encourage the use of alternative fuel that combines traditional petroleum and plant-derived substances. IP by adding some diesel [minimum 0.1 % of the volume] to the black liquor normally used to power kraft-paper mills , qualifies for benefit of te credits.